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Long-Term Insurance, Joy and Posture, This Month at the Senior Center

Stay healthy, informed and entertained with seminars and events from the Rockville Senior Center to see in the New Year.

Register with the course number at Learn about 60-plus programs, courses, activities and services at or by calling 240-314-8800. See the “Adults 60+” recreation guide at for more information.

Better Breather’s Club
Meets monthly. Educational tips and special programs for respiratory issues, facilitated by American Lung Association instructor Kerri Donnelly. Register with course #29759. 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18. Free.

Stress Reduction/Meditation
Offers the tools to focus, relax and come to a more peaceful sense of being, with time for meditation and discussion. Presented by Betty Figlure, who has taught meditation, guided imagery and stress reduction classes for more than 30 years. Register with course #29760. Mondays, Jan. 8- March 25. $30 members, $40 nonmembers. Hybrid

Long-Term Care Insurance
Aging can lead to chronic health or cognitive illnesses, increasing the need for long-term and extended care. Mark Gottlieb, a long-term care specialist, will discuss planning for the challenges and costs of long-term care, including services, funding, Medicaid and already-owned policies. Register with course #29769. 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11. Free. Hybrid.

Taking Your Life with Joy to the Next Level
Explore how thoughts influence feelings and how people respond to us based on behaviors. Topics include self-management, self-talk/assertiveness, challenging irrational behaviors, goal setting and the mind-body connection. Presented by Dr. Sherlynn Shakir, owner of Sahirah Family Wellness Center, who holds doctorates in clinical psychology and acupuncture. Register with course #29785. 1-2 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9-Feb. 13. $35 members/$40 nonmembers. Hybrid.

The Benefits of Good Posture
Discover how proper alignment improves health, boosts confidence and enhances overall well-being with practical tips and exercises. Presented by Dr. Carlos Martinez, the director of CAM Physical Therapy.
Register with course #28990. 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 10. Free. Hybrid.

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