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Looking for Employment this Summer?

Become a Certified Lifeguard or Swim Instructor

The Rockville Swim and Fitness Center will once again hold American Red Cross lifeguard training and recertification courses this winter.

Earning a lifeguard training certification is a great way to prepare for a summer job and learn important lifesaving and leadership skills.

Lifeguard training students must be 15 years old by the last day of the course and pass a prescreening test on the first day of the session. This involves swimming 300 yards continuously, with rhythmic breathing and using front crawl or breast stroke; retrieving a 10-pound brick within one minute, 40 seconds; and treading water using legs only for two minutes.

Times and dates for the sessions vary. Visit and select “Classes & Lessons” to view the complete course flier. Register at Space is limited for the sessions. Classes will be held at the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center, 355 Martins Lane.

A detailed course schedule/syllabus will be provided on the first day of class. To become certified, students must successfully complete the prescreen test, attend and actively participate in all course sessions, successfully complete class activities and pass a final written exam. Proof of age is required.

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