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Make Yourself Heard: Mayor and Council to Hold Public Hearings on Alcohol, Trees and Community Needs

The Mayor and Council return from their summer recess with a meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17 that will feature public hearings on the following:

A proposal to place 214 Frederick Ave., in Lincoln Park, in a historic district. In April, the Planning Commission found that “the house is an important example of vernacular residential architecture, built within an African-American community during the period of segregation.”

The Mayor and Council will also hold a hearing on a request from the owner of 2131 Veirs Mill Road to abandon of an ingress and egress easement between the Twinbrook property and the adjacent McDonald’s, at 2101 Veirs Mill Road. The owner says the easement hinders redevelopment of the property.

Staff is recommending that the Mayor and Council approve a zoning change that would allow the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages at indoor sport facilities. The applicants for the change, So-Five, Inc., are planning a commercial indoor sport facility on Westmore Avenue.

Proposed changes to the Forest and Tree Preservation Ordinance that provide the opportunity to add parkland and trees to an already healthy tree canopy. One proposed change would reduce the minimum tree cover requirement for development projects in the mixed-use employment zone, a small portion of the city, when part of the development is dedicated as parkland. A second proposed change would give the Mayor and Council authority to reduce the minimum tree cover requirement for Champion Projects, in exchange for amenities such as open space and affordable housing units. This applies only in the Twinbrook Metro station area. It would provide for more trees on sites such as retail centers with large surface parking lots that will be replaced with new developments.

Public hearings tentatively scheduled for Monday, Sept. 24 are on community needs to be addressed through the city’s Fiscal Year 2020 Community Development Block Grant application and changes to plans for the Rockville Metro Plaza III project, at 220 E. Middle Lane, to allow 8,500 square feet of retail space, up to 240 apartment dwelling units (approximately 240,000 square feet), and structured parking.

Anyone wishing to testify should call 240-314-8280 before 4 p.m. on the hearing date to have their names placed on the speakers’ list. Learn more when the meeting agendas are posted at

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