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May is Health Fair Month at the Senior Center

Keep healthy in May and June with free programs that include how to recognize signs of stroke, eating well and the latest information on blood pressure, at the Rockville Senior Center.

Register using the course number at, in person at the senior center information desk or by calling 240-314-8810.

Senior Center Health Fair
This free fair, from 11 a.m-1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22, has free health screenings, healthy snacks and more. Meet representatives from Montgomery County and Rockville agencies, health-related vendors, senior communities and senior services.

Stroke, Signs and Symptoms: What You Must Know
This workshop, presented by a CPR instructor, could make a difference in the life of someone you love. Held 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, May 8. Register with course #9387

Nutrition After 50
A registered dietician will discuss the basics of meal planning, what to look for on food labels and diet modifications that will help you look and feel your best in your 50s and beyond. Held 1-2 p.m. Thursday, May 23. Register with course #9394

Sessiones de Comer Saludable en Espanol (Healthy Eating Sessions, presented in Spanish)
Adopting healthy eating habits is key to wellness. A series of four sessions teaches the recommended guidelines for healthy eating; hidden risks found in our food, such as sugar, salt and fats; and how to plan and shop for healthy meals on a budget. Presented by the Latino Health Initiative of Montgomery County. Held from 1-2:30 p.m. on Fridays, May 24-June 14. Register with course #9383.

Hands Only CPR
Learn the evolution of CPR, how it works and a simple way to help someone. Demonstration and practice on a feedback mannequin. Presented by Adventist HealthCare from 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 5. Register with course #9388.

Pressure Points: The Latest on Blood Pressure
Discover the latest hypertension guidelines for people older than 60, current research on hypertension, how recent guidelines can have an impact on blood pressure, and when lifestyle modifications and medications are appropriate. Held 1-2 p.m. Thursday, June 27. Register with course #9395.

Asian American Health Initiative Programs
AAHI is part of Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. Programs are taught in Mandarin Chinese:

  • Dimensions of Wellness Learn about health and the eight dimensions of wellness. 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, May 9. Register for course #9391.
  • Transportation
  • Learn about transportation options the county offers to older adults. 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 12 Register for course #9392.
  • Medication Management

A licensed pharmacist will briefly discuss medication management and answer questions about medications. Held 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 19. Register for course #9393.

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