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Mayor and Council Approve FY 2021 Budget with Eye to COVID-19 Emergency

The Mayor and Council in May adopted a $140.2 million city budget that helps to address the unknowns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Rockville, while maintaining the same level of service to city residents.

The adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2021, which begins July 1, keeps the general fund at the same level as FY 2020. The city’s real property tax rate of $0.292 per $100 of assessed valuation also remains the same. All residential and commercial property owners pay this tax. Rockville has not increased its property tax rate in over 25 years.

Water, sewer, stormwater management, and recycling and trash service, also remain at their FY20 rates.

The $84.6 million general fund supports the largest portion of the operating budget and includes spending reductions approved by the Mayor and Council in response to the pandemic. The Mayor and Council voted to leave six vacant positions unfilled, freeze hiring except for essential positions, eliminate step and merit increases for city employees, increase reserve levels, and ensure that revenues are estimated conservatively. The budget preserves a 1% cost-of-living adjustment for employees below the department-head level.

In the capital budget, the Mayor and Council added funds for a fire suppression system at the King Farm Farmstead’s house and dairy barns. The investment will support planning for rehabilitation and future use of the historic property, at 1101 Grand Champion Drive.

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