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Mayor and Council Approve Increases to Parking Fines

Increase Fines for Parking Near Fire Hydrants, in Fire Lanes and Handicap Spaces

Motorists could face significantly higher fines for illegally parking near fire hydrants, in fire lanes or in designated handicap parking spaces after the Mayor and Council approved increases that bring fines in the City of Rockville in line with those of neighboring jurisdictions.

The following three violations are now subject to fines of $250:

• Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
• Parking within lane markings or between signs designating a fire lane.
• Parking in designated handicap parking spaces without a proper permit.

Fines for these violations had not been adjusted in 18 years and were significantly behind those of neighboring jurisdictions. The fine for parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant had been $40 since 2003. Fines for parking in fire lanes or handicap spaces had been $100 since that time.

The fine increases emphasize the seriousness of these violations and underscore the important parking needs of people with disabilities and of fire and rescue vehicles responding to an emergency. The increases are designed to encourage motorists’ compliance with city parking regulations fairly and equitably, while promoting the orderly, free flow of traffic within the city.

For more information, find the staff report and video of the consent agenda vote with the June 21 Mayor and Council agenda at

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