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Mayor and Council Consider Partnership to Bring KID Museum to Rockville

A proposal for the City of Rockville to partner with Montgomery County to relocate the KID Museum to Rockville is being considered as part of city and county budget deliberations.

County Executive Isiah Leggett proposed the partnership in his Fiscal Year 2019 capital budget plan for the county, which would partner with Rockville to purchase a building in Twinbrook, in the vicinity of the Metro Station, to serve as the museum’s new home.

The relocation, from a temporary location at Davis Library in Bethesda, would allow the museum to continue providing hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) and programming serving elementary and middle school-aged students.

The Mayor and Council are considering the proposal as part of the city’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget, which is scheduled for adoption Monday, May 14. They discussed the proposal April 9. Find the staff report with the April 9 agenda at The Montgomery County Council is considering the plan as part of the county’s FY 2019 budget, which the County Council must adopt by June 1.

Rockville’s Mayor and Council were scheduled to hold a public hearing on the proposal as part of their meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, April 30. Testify by calling 240-314-8280 by 4 p.m. April 30 or by submitting testimony in writing to [email protected] or City Clerk’s Office/Director of Council Operations, City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.
Rockville Mayor and Council meetings are broadcast live on channel 11 on county cable systems, live streamed at and available a day after the meeting at

KID Museum’s focus on STEAM education, and the exploration of world cultures and global citizenship, includes a wide range of afterschool and weekend activities and cultural events. The museum also offers camps during winter, spring and summer breaks, and invention programs that guide students through designing, developing, prototyping and troubleshooting their ideas. The museum hosts preschool workshops and field trips, and contracts with Montgomery County Public Schools to provide STEAM programs for middle school students.

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