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Mayor and Council Initiate Annexation Discussion

The Mayor and Council are considering whether to annex an almost 10.3-acre plot of land at 16200 Frederick Road.

The annexation was initiated through a petition to the city by Victor, Inc., the property’s owner, with a request to zone the area as mixed-use corridor district.

Annexation is the formal process of incorporating an area outside of the city’s jurisdiction into its municipal boundaries. To be eligible, the property must be within the city’s maximum expansion limits, as identified in the adopted Municipal Growth Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and adjacent to city limits.

The proposal must go through several steps before approval, including a review by and public hearing in front of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 10. The Mayor and Council will hold a public hearing before making a final decision. For more, see the Nov. 23 Mayor and Council meeting staff report at

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