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Mayor and Council to Consider Water and Sewer Rate Structure Changes

The Mayor and Council will consider a new rate structure for city water and sewer service this fall.

The city hired a consultant to develop the new structure, under which the Mayor and Council would set customers’ water and sewer rates based on property type, such as single-family, multi- family or nonresidential.

If approved, the new rate structure would become effective for Fiscal Year 2022, which begins July 1, 2021. The actual water and sewer rates will be considered and approved during the FY 2022 budget process.

The city’s current water and sewer rates are tiered based on meter size, with no differentiation between property types. Fees go toward payments to repair and replace aging water and sewer pipes and other infrastructure vital to providing these services, and for required payments to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission related to a regional wastewater treatment plant. For more on water and sewer rates, see page 371 of the FY 2021 budget, at

The Mayor and Council are scheduled to consider the water and sewer rate structure during the following public meetings:*
Monday, Oct. 5: Presentation of the new proposed rate structure.
Monday, Nov. 9: Public hearing.
Monday, Dec. 7: Discussion and possible adoption of the new rate structure.
*These meetings will focus on the rate structure. Actual water and sewer rates will be considered as part of the FY 2022 budget process, with adoption in May 2021.

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