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Mayor and Council to Hold Hearing on Rockville’s Bikeway Master Plan

Hearing is One of Several Ways for the Public to Testify About the Plan Update

A public hearing this month on the city’s Bikeway Master Plan offers an opportunity to testify about a document that could shape how people get around Rockville for years to come.

The hearing is scheduled for the Mayor and Council meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 12 at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave.

Speak Up

Testify and submit comments:

  • During the public hearing. Priority will be given to speakers who sign up by calling 240-314-8200 by 4 p.m. on Dec. 12.
  • Using the form at
  • By email to: [email protected].
  • By mail to: City of Rockville, c/o Oleg Kotov, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.Include name and address. Comments without a valid name and address cannot be included in the public record. The public record is expected to remain open until Monday, Jan. 9.

As part of the city’s comprehensive master plan (CMP), the plan lays the groundwork for the city’s bicycle facility network. Since it was last updated in 2004, the network has expanded to more than 34 miles of shared-use paths, nearly 4 miles of bike lanes and 3 miles of roads with shared-lane markings known as sharrows.

Numerous recommendations from the update have been implemented since 2004, including completion of the Carl Henn Millennium Trail, an 11-mile bicycle beltway around Rockville. The draft plan aims to build on that success by providing a starting point for construction projects that expand the existing bicycle network, improve safety and increase connections to all parts of the city for recreation, commuting and shopping.

The Planning Commission considered the draft plan in meetings and public hearings over nearly two years before approving the plan on Sept. 28 with the recommendation that the Mayor and Council adopt it as part of the CMP.

Read the draft plan and submit testimony and comments at Find video of a presentation about the draft plan with the Nov. 21 Mayor and Council meeting listing at

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