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Mayor and Council to Vote on FY 2025 Budget in May

The Mayor and Council are scheduled to vote on Monday, May 6 on adoption of a city budget that demonstrates the city’s continued commitment to the implementation of adopted plans, community safety and policing, and economic development.

Rockville City Seal

The budget covers Fiscal Year 2025, which begins Monday, July 1. In March, acting City Manager Craig L. Simoneau proposed an operating budget of $168.9 million, a 7.4% increase over the FY 2024 adopted budget.

The Mayor and Council discussed changes to the proposal during work sessions on March 18, April 8 and April 15. They approved the advancement of several large capital projects, including improvements to the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre, ongoing conversion to LED streetlights, improvements to David Scull Park, renovation of the Maintenance and Emergency Operations Facility at 6 Taft Court, and implementation of the RedGate Park and Arboretum master plan.

The Mayor and Council also prioritized funding for items that align with adopted city plans, including the Comprehensive Plan, the Climate Action Plan and the Vision Zero Action Plan. Under the city manager’s proposal, the city’s current real property tax rate of $0.292 per $100 of assessed valuation would remain the same for FY25. All residential and commercial property owners pay this tax. Rockville has not increased its property tax rate since 1995.

Mayor and Council agendas and staff reports, and videos of the acting city manager’s proposed budget presentation, budget work sessions and public hearings are available online at Meetings are broadcast on channel 11 on county cable and livestreamed at

More information, including the adopted FY25 budget document, which will be available in July, is available on the city’s budget webpage.

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