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Meet the Mayor — Be the Mayor: City and Contest Offer Opportunities for Fourth Graders 

March 7 is the Deadline for the ‘If I Were Mayor …’ Essay Contest 

Rockville fourth graders have until Friday, March 7 to enter the Maryland Municipal League’s statewide “If I Were Mayor” essay contest. 

This year’s theme is “Building Community for a New Generation.” Students are asked to write an essay of no more than 275 words about what they would do, if they were mayor, to make their city, town or community better for the future, and how they would make sure that people felt like they were part of the community. 

One winning essay will be selected from each of MML’s 11 districts. Winners will receive a cash prize and a citation from the governor and will be honored, along with their parents and teacher, during an awards ceremony in late April. 

In addition to winners chosen by MML, Mayor Monique Ashton will select a student attending school in Rockville to serve as the city’s Mayor for a Day in May. 

For more information, including contest rules and forms for submitting entries online, visit

The Mayor and Council consider the contest to be a wonderful exercise in government studies and encourage fourth graders attending schools in Rockville to participate. 

Mayor Ashton welcomes the opportunity to speak with students about the essay contest, municipal government and what it is like to be Rockville’s mayor. Teachers or school administrators may email Judy Penny at [email protected] to arrange a visit by the mayor, though a mayoral visit is not required for students to participate in the contest. 

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