Use your mind for better living, find out about lifestyle medicine and play a round of bingo after you learn how to keep your heart healthy, in February at the Rockville Senior Center.
Using Hypnosis/Self Hypnosis for Pain and Well-being. At this free class, explore the use of hypnosis and self-hypnosis to improve your life. Learn to use your mind in new ways: to control pain, relax, sleep better, handle stress, worry less, and live with a happy heart, peaceful mind and playful spirit. Presented by certified hypnotherapist Donald Pelles from 1-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6. Register with course #7414.
Lifestyle Medicine: A New Approach. Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based practice that offers a fresh approach to improving outcomes related to chronic conditions. It helps individuals and families adopt and sustain healthy behaviors that affect health and quality of life. Internist Dr. Aruna Nathan focuses on how to apply lifestyle medicine principles to prevent and manage chronic conditions at this free presentation, from 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. Register with course #8020.
Heart Healthy Presentation, Bingo and More! February is Heart Healthy Month! From 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, learn to take care of your heart and the hearts of your loved ones; stay after the presentation by Adventist HealthCare to play heart-healthy bingo with an opportunity to win prizes. Blood pressure screenings will also be provided at this free event. Register with course #9354.
Register for classes at the senior center information desk, by calling 240-314-8810, or with the course number at
Mind, Lifestyle, Heart Health and Bingo at the Senior Center
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