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New Advisory Board and Training Put the Community in Community Policing

The Rockville City Police Department’s commitment to community policing continues this spring with work by the city’s newly constituted Community Policing Advisory Board and a training focused on helping community members and police work together.

The Community Policing Advisory Board will meet virtually on Thursday, May 6 to review the department’s budget structure and to discuss violence against the Asian American Pacific Islander community. Rockville’s Mayor and Council and Rockville City Police Department Chief Victor V. Brito issued statements in March to show solidarity with the community following recent attacks on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

In April, the board, which has met twice since being created by the Mayor and Council in late 2020, received a presentation about the training police officers receive before and after they are hired by the RCPD.

The board is comprised of nine members who live in Rockville, including a youth member. It provides recommendations to the Mayor and Council on how to support RCPD programs, training and professional development, and crime and safety initiatives. It also meets with police to discuss issues as they arise, in the interest of making improvements and finding solutions.

Find more information about the Community Policing Advisory board.

Fair and Impartial Policing Training

Community members are encouraged to participate in the police department’s latest Fair and Impartial Policing training. The training, first held in Rockville in 2019, gives officers and community members tools to better communicate and work together to make the community safer and more resilient.

The training, open to Rockville residents only, will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, June 12, at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre Social Hall, 603 Edmonston Drive. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, seating will be limited. Attendees will be required to wear face coverings.

Register for the training.

Learn more about the RCPD

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