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Nonmeter Parking Fines Adjusted

The Mayor and Council in October approved increases to 22 different parking fines.

Each of the fines increased to $60 for a first violation. The fine for expired meters remains at $40. Penalties for late payment also were not changed. Among the increases were:

  • Parking without a permit. Old fine: $40. New fine: First violation: $60. Subsequent violations: $100.
  • Parking a large truck, bus, truck tractor or trailer on a residential street. Old fine: First violation: $20; second violation: $50. Subsequent violations: $100. New fine: First violation: $60. Subsequent violations: $120.
  • Parking outside the lines, in two spaces or double parking. Old fine: $40. New fine: $60.
  • Parking impeding the flow of traffic. Old fine: $40. New fine: $60.
  • Parking on a sidewalk or bikeway, within 30 feet of a traffic control device, e.g., a traffic signal at the side of a roadway; within 20 feet of a crosswalk; or within 5 feet of a driveway. Old fine: $40. New fine: $60.
  • Misuse of a visitor parking permit. Old fine: $40. New fine: First violation: $60. Subsequent violations: $100.
  • Parking past the posted time. Old fine: $40. New fine: $60.

The last major change to city parking fines occurred in 2003, when many fines increased from $25 to $40.

The changes follow the Mayor and Council’s adoption in June of fine increases, to $250, for parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, within lane markings or between signs designating a fire lane, or in designated handicap parking spaces without a proper permit.

Find a staff report with a complete list of parking fines and video of the vote with the Oct. 18 agenda at

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