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October is the Time to Take Action on Energy Conservation

The Energy Exploration Experience Returns to Rockville for Energy Action Month

October is Energy Action Month, which offers events and resources for learning how to conserve energy and save money in your home or office.

Energy Exploration: Montgomery County presents Energy Exploration, an interactive energy exploration experience, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21 at Twinbrook Library, 202 Meadow Hall Drive. Bring the family to play hands-on arcade games and learn about saving energy and money in your home, using renewable energy and preventing air pollution. Bring a copy of your utility bill and be entered to win a sustainability kit that includes LED lightbulbs, seed packets and more. Learn more at

Incentives: Pepco provides incentives for certain appliances, heating and air conditioning tune-ups and upgrades, lighting and more. If you don’t know where to start, the Quick Home Energy Check-up program is a fast, easy way to reduce energy use in your home and save money. A trained energy analyst will assess your home’s energy use, recommend energy-saving improvements and install energy-saving products. For a more comprehensive home energy evaluation, the Home Performance with Energy Star program can help identify energy cost savings, increase the comfort of your home and recommend energy efficient home improvements and rebates. For program details, visit

Washington Gas offers rebates for certain gas furnaces, water heaters and programmable thermostats. For eligibility requirements, visit

More Tips and Resources: Find more resources for home and business owners, renters and others at Learn more about Energy Action Month events and tips in Montgomery County at For ways to conserve energy at home, at the office and at other facilities visit

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