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Painting Begins at
Hunting Hill Water Tank

Rehabilitation of Tank on Luckett Street is on Deck

The city’s contractor, Horizon Brothers Painting Corporation, has begun painting the Hunting Hill water storage tank, as part of work to rehabilitate the tank near Lakewood Country Club.

A containment system has been erected outside the tank, at 13890 Glen Mill Road, to protect surrounding property from dust and debris during painting. Work is expected to be completed by early summer.

Work on a second tank, on Luckett Street, across from Beall Elementary School, is scheduled to begin this summer and take up to six months to complete. The city will hold a meeting with neighborhood residents and school officials about the Luckett Street tank, at a date and time to be announced, likely in May. Residents and school officials will be notified of the meeting by mail.

Rehabilitation of the city’s water tanks will significantly extend their lives, maintaining safety and reliability of the water system and resulting in long-term cost savings for city taxpayers.

For more information, contact project manager Ilene Lish at [email protected] or 240-314-8516.

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