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Planning Commission Approves Stonestreet Amendment

Mayor and Council will Consider Next

The city Planning Commission has approved a draft of the Park Road and North/South Stonestreet Avenue Area Comprehensive Master Plan Amendment, with changes that reflect both the community process that led to the amendment and testimony received from a recent public hearing.

The amendment now goes to the Mayor and Council for their consideration. The Mayor and Council will also hold a public hearing before taking final action.

The amendment to the plan outlines a new vision for the Park Road and North/South Stonestreet Avenue area, a unique location close to the Rockville Metro Station, Town Center and residential neighborhoods.

The amendment approved by the Planning Commission promotes a walkable, transit-oriented mix of residential and commercial development immediately across Park Road from the Rockville Metro Station, and would set policies to permit additional housing units in the residential areas closest to the station across South Stonestreet Avenue.

For more information, contact Andrea Gilles at [email protected] or 240-314-8273. Visit to view the amendment.

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