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Planning Commission Sets Public Hearing Dates for Neighborhood Section of Comprehensive Plan Draft

Comment will be Open for Vision and Goals for Neighborhood-based Planning Areas

Rockville’s Planning Commission has completed its review and edits to the initial staff draft of the neighborhood-specific sections of the comprehensive plan update and has set hearing dates of May 13 and 27 for the public to provide comments to the commission. Written comments will be accepted leading up to and just after the hearings.

Combined with the first half of the draft comprehensive plan, the Planning Areas component work will guide neighborhood, or planning area, policies and projects throughout the next two decades.

The second component of Rockville’s comprehensive plan update, “Volume II: Planning Areas,” was delivered in December to the city’s Planning Commission for its review. Rockville’s comprehensive plan sets a vision and goals for the future of the city, with practical policies and actions to achieve those goals.

Volume II consists of policy recommendations and recommended city projects for each of the city’s 17 geographic planning areas. These recommendations build on citywide policies of the draft “Volume I: Elements” — which the Planning Commission reviewed over the past year — by focusing on issues and opportunities unique to each planning area.

Both draft volumes derive from feedback gathered throughout the Rockville 2040 process, which included numerous listening sessions, citywide forums, open houses and other meetings, as well as analysis and discussion with the Planning Commission.

Planning staff is available to answer questions and meet with community associations, residents, businesses, workers and other organizations by request so that community members can learn more about the draft’s contents and how to provide feedback.

When public hearings are complete, the Planning Commission will hold work sessions to revise the plan based on public input. It will then submit both volumes I and II of the revised draft plan to the Mayor and Council for review and action. The Mayor and Council will invite public testimony to inform its final decisions.

Approval and adoption of a final version by the Mayor and Council will be the final step in the process.

For more information, visit or contact senior planner Clark Larson at [email protected] or 240-314-8200.

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