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Position to Focus on Business Community

The Mayor and Council heard updates at their March 25 meeting on progress made toward 11 strategies that would strengthen Rockville Town Center’s vitality.

Chief of long range planning, David Levy, has been named assistant director of planning and business improvement, and has become a liaison to the business community in Town Center and across the city.

In conjunction with the city manager and the Mayor and Council, the assistant director is working directly with Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (REDI), the Rockville Chamber of Commerce and other members of Rockville’s staff to:

  • Identify and solve problems in commercial areas that are important to the city’s economy.
  • Facilitate communication between the business community and city government.
  • Coordinate action among public, private and nonprofit stakeholders.
  • Develop a plan, with goals and strategies, for increasing the vitality of the city’s business areas, including Town Center.
  • Pursue outside grants and other resources, including helping to forge new public-private partnerships.

At a Nov. 13 special meeting of the Mayor and Council, city staff presented the 11 potential approaches to address opportunities and challenges for the mixed-use activity center in the heart of Rockville.

To watch the Mayor and Council’s March 25 discussion on Town Center, visit, and select the TV icon next to the agenda item.

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