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Pre-Order Your New Rockville Rewards Cards

Save money while supporting your community with Rockville Rewards discount cards.

Nonprofits sell Rockville Rewards cards and keep 100 percent of the proceeds to support scholarships, homeless shelters and free medical clinics.

The cards cost $25 and can be purchased directly from a nonprofit partner or at, where pre-orders are now being accepted for 2019-2020 cards. Current cards are good through Saturday, Aug. 31 for discounts at nearly 150 local businesses. The new cards will go on sale beginning Thursday, Aug. 1 and will offer savings through August 2020.

Launched in 2009, Rockville Rewards is a program of the Rockville Chamber of Commerce, with grant funding from the City of Rockville.

Businesses, which participate by offering discounts to cardholders, receive free marketing and connect with customers while giving back to local nonprofits. Businesses interested in taking part should visit

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