The FY 2026-FY 2030 Capital Improvements Program includes new appropriations of $33.8 million to support 65 capital projects. For more information on each project, see the “CIP Projects” section of the proposed FY26 budget at The CIP includes:
- Construction of a new entrance to the Rockville Senior Center from West Gude Drive.
- Completion and occupancy of the maintenance and emergency operations facility at 6 Taft Court.
- Completion of improvements to Lincoln Park Community Center and the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre.
- Ongoing maintenance and improvements of the city’s paths, roadways, sidewalks, stormwater facilities and water and sewer infrastructure.
- Six new capital projects focused on the preservation and improvement of city facilities, efficient and effective transportation, water quality and regulatory compliance, and technology advancements, including:
- An assessment of, and critical repairs to, the retaining walls and paths at Glenview Mansion.
- Traffic signal upgrades at multiple locations.
- An inventory of material used in water service lines to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule.
- Development of the city’s Water Distribution System Master Plan to guide projects to improve water quality and the flow of water to fire hydrants, and to meet future development demands.
- Improvements to the city’s core financial, human resources and procurement enterprise resource planning system to support business needs.
- Improvements to the city’s Rothgeb Drive maintenance facility based on the facility’s master plan.
Find more information on the proposed FY26 budget at