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Rockville Honors Community for Environmental Excellence

Rockville's Mayor & Council with Environmental Excellence Award recipients

The Mayor and Council and the city’s Environment Commission honored two community members and a condominium association in May with Environmental Excellence Awards recognizing contributions to Rockville’s environmental health and sustainability.

Terry Pinkston received the Carl Henn Environmental Excellence Award for Outstanding Individual Environmental Stewardship for planting wildlife habitat at home and at a hospice center, and teaching others the importance of native gardens.

Jyoti Bisbey received the Carl Henn Environmental Excellence Award for Outstanding Individual Environmental Stewardship for serving as a community role model by removing litter from our ponds and creeks.

Westmore Commercial Condominium Association, Inc. for Outstanding Leadership in Environmental Practices for inspiring and supporting its auto service members’ efforts to clean up and remove trash and debris, preventing pollution to waterways.

Do you know someone deserving of recognition for their environmental efforts? Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit for award categories and guidelines, nomination forms and eligibility.

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