The City of Rockville offers residents two free food scrap drop-off sites to make composting easy, keep valuable materials out of landfills and reduce excessive greenhouse gas emissions:
- Rockville Senior Center at 1150 Carnation Drive.
- Maintenance Facility at 14625 Rothgeb Drive.

Food scraps will be picked up weekly by a commercial contractor and delivered to the Prince George’s County Organic Compost Facility.
How To Use Drop-Offs
- Place food scraps in a container — empty coffee containers with sealing lids are great for this. Be sure to remove any plastic or other trash.
- Bring full containers and empty them into the designated green bins at one of the food scraps compost drop-offs. Follow the signs when you arrive. The sites are accessible 24/7 and the service is free of charge.
- Rinse container and repeat.
Find more about the food scraps drop-off and answers to frequently asked questions at