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Rockville Recognizes
‘Good Neighbors’ Who Lend
Helping Hands

Good Neighbor Award winner group photo.
Rockville recognized (L to R) Brian Shipley, Laurent Myers, Pat Reber and Joe Andrews with Good Neighbor Awards during the Nov. 13 Mayor and Council meeting. (Not pictured: Pat Casey and his dog, Sophie.) The awards recognize the efforts of Rockville community members to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods.

The Mayor and Council presented the city’s annual Good Neighbor Awards on Nov. 13, honoring community members who have demonstrated a commitment to preserving and maintaining their neighborhoods, and to enhancing the Rockville community.

This year’s honorees were:

Joe Andrews

“Joe works tirelessly to beautify many of the median strips and community gardens in our neighborhood,” neighbor Nancy Winchester wrote in nominating Andrews. “He also has a wildlife-certified backyard that provides food and water for birds and shelters for animals. He works in an unassuming way to improve our community and has been, without fail, a good and reliable neighbor.”

Patrick Casey and Sophie

Ida Wallenmeyer nominated Casey, who helps neighbors with snow removal and reached out to Wallenmeyer after she suffered a fall.

“Pat was there to help me right after my fall and visiting during my recovery,” Wallenmeyer said. “In addition, he brought several canes and said ‘Work with them in the house and get use to them. I do not want to see you fall again.’

Sophie, his dog, is often by Casey’s side with a friendly greeting neighbors on walks through the neighborhood.

Laurent Myers

When there’s significant snowfall, Myers is out in their neighborhood all day, clearing sidewalks and driveways, neighbor Mark Parker wrote in his nomination.

“Some of the folks in our neighborhood are elderly, and Laurent always starts with their driveways,” Parker wrote. “It’s the type of helpfulness that makes our neighborhood such a wonderful place to live.”

Pat Reber

Reber is an active member of the New Mark Commons Communications Committee, and a “reliable narrator” in her neighborhood newsletter reports about board meetings and other community events, neighbor Judy Rudolph wrote.

“Pat has been the catalyst, lead and overall ‘glue’ for New Mark Commons’ 50th anniversary activities,” Rudolph wrote. “Many dedicated New Mark volunteers contributed to the numerous anniversary research, media development and social activities, but Pat’s leadership and energy went above and beyond. She contributed exceptional professional skill and many hundreds of hours to the book, displays, website and newsletter content, and to Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day and October community events.”

Brian Shipley

Shipley organized neighbors over several weekends last summer to pull weeds, trim trees and cut back vines in a yard for a neighbor who is a recent cancer survivor.

“Brian did not stop there,” neighbor Mark Parker wrote in nominating Parker. “About once a month, I see Brian in my neighbor’s yard, pulling up old tree roots, planting new bushes and putting down new mulch. He’s committed not only to help this woman, he’s committed to beautifying our neighborhood. Brian is a gem, and simply a wonderful neighbor!”

Good Neighbor Award nominations are accepted throughout the year and awarded each fall. To learn more, visit or contact Hjarman Cordero at 240-314-8344 or

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