A study by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority of Rockville Station is moving ahead. The Mayor and Council were briefed in June on results of two community visioning workshops held in May, and provided feedback that will guide next steps in the study.
The project is sponsored by WMATA in coordination with the city and Montgomery County.
To view the briefing, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/AgendaCenter and click the TV icon next to the June 21 meeting.
The station, which opened in 1984, is a critical part of the city’s transportation network, but showing its age.
The study’s goals are to develop recommendations for improvements to the station’s aging infrastructure and connections with Rockville’s downtown and neighborhoods to the east, and potential development opportunities at the site and strategies to increase bus and train ridership.
Public meetings later in the process will allow the Rockville community to give feedback on the draft concept plans that will be developed.
Find more information on the study at www.rockvillemd.gov/2356/Rockville-Station-Study or contact principal planner Clark Larson at [email protected] or 240-314-8225.
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