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Seed to Feed Our Feathered Friends

A female cardinal stares intently at the viewer while enjoying her lunch.
A female cardinal stares intently at the viewer while enjoying her lunch.

Croydon Creek Nature Center is for the birds, or, more accurately, feeding them. And other wildlife, of course.

Order forms for the center’s annual feed sale will go online, be sent via mail and be available at the center in the first week of November. The order deadline is Monday, Nov. 28.  The seed will be ready for pickup at the nature center from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10. Seeds are only available by pre-order.

Black oil sunflower seed, nyjer, patio blend, split peanuts, suet cakes and more will be on offer.

Not only does the seed draw native wildlife to yards for viewing, it’s also a valuable food source for animals during the harsh winter months.
Croydon Creek offers the seed sale with generous support from the Wild Bird Center in Rockville.

For more information, call 240-314-8770 or email [email protected]. Check the nature center’s webpage for seed sale forms at

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