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September Will Turn Purple for Opioid Awareness

Rockville Goes Purple ribbon

In their ongoing effort to bring awareness to the national impact of opioid addiction and signal hope for recovery, Rockville’s Mayor and Council will proclaim September as National Recovery Month.

Rockville Goes Purple is a campaign, alongside the city’s county and state partners, that seeks to shine a spotlight on the national impact of opioid addiction and create awareness about the epidemic’s impact on our community.

Members of the Mayor and Council were expected to attend the 9th Annual Montgomery County International Overdose Awareness Day and Recovery Month Launch, on Thursday, Aug. 29 at Memorial Plaza in Rockville.

Lights at City Hall, the Rockville City Police Department headquarters and other city and county facilities will once again shine purple throughout the month.

The Rockville City Police Department will hold a training in the overdose reversal drug Narcan from 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Sept. 28 at the department’s headquarters, 2 W. Montgomery Ave.

Rockville’s Community Services Division and its community partners provide outreach, awareness and education throughout the year to support substance misuse prevention and early intervention with support from the city’s portion of the state’s Opioid Litigation Settlement Fund Abatement Plan.

The proclamation states that: “The Rockville Goes Purple initiative is increasing awareness of the dangers of opioids and other substances, and strives to reduce the number of lives lost to drug addiction in our community.”

From July 2023 to June 2024, Maryland had 2,030 overdose deaths, of which 1,763 were opioid-related. Montgomery County had 93 overdose deaths, 71 related to opioids.

Find out more about the Rockville Goes Purple campaign at

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