November Forums Provide Outlet for Feedback

Rockville will hold two virtual forums in November, for shopping center owners, property managers and tenants, seeking feedback on how the city can provide greater support.
The forums will be held 9-10:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 14 and 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15. Both are open to the public.
The city, Rockville Economic Development, Inc., and the Rockville Chamber of Commerce have worked together to create smoother and more timely development and permitting processes, as well as improvements to requirements for permanent signage that allows shopping centers greater visibility.
To support new and existing businesses, future actions under consideration include changes to parking standards, improving opportunities for existing and new businesses, and supporting redevelopment.
The forum will be conducted online via WebEx. Details are available on the city’s online calendar at
For more information, email Seth Rivard, [email protected], or Katie Gerbes, [email protected].