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Slow Study: City’s Newest Speed Cameras Prove Effective

Maryland Avenue Cameras are Issuing Fewer Citations

A year into their use, speed cameras on Maryland Avenue have proven effective in reducing speeding and increasing safety.

Citations issued in the unit block of eastbound Maryland Avenue (traveling toward Rockville Town Center from Interstate 270) have decreased by more than two-thirds, from a high of 2,494 in February – the first month after a 30-day warning period – to just 799 in November.

Citations westbound on the street decreased by 62 percent – from a high of 1,358 in March to 512 in November.

The speed camera program, authorized by the Maryland General Assembly, allows municipalities to use speed cameras on residential roads and in school zones where the posted speed limit is 35 mph or less and to issue tickets for violations when vehicles are traveling at least 12 mph over the limit.

In accordance with state law, excess revenues generated by the program are earmarked for pedestrian safety improvements. Rockville has used speed camera revenue for accessible pedestrian signals, bridge rehabilitation, upgraded traffic control signals, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ramps, sidewalks and streetlight improvements.

While fewer citations mean less revenue, safety, not revenue, is the goal, said Maj. Michael England, who oversees the department’s speed camera program.

“Our goal remains to reduce speed to lessen the number of accidents attributed to speed,” England said. “If an accident occurs, for one reason or another, lower speeds tend to result in no injuries or less severe injuries.”

Rockville operates 17 speed cameras within the city limits, including nine portable cameras, six fixed cameras and two mobile speed vans.

Learn more about the speed camera program’s goals and camera locations by visiting or viewing a “Rock 11 Now Weekly” report at Search “speed cameras.”

A Slower (and Safer) Maryland

Speed camera citations have decreased since the cameras were first deployed one year ago on Maryland Avenue near Rockville Town Center.

Maryland Avenue – Eastbound Lane (Months are 2017)
Month    Jan.    Feb. Mar. April May  June July Aug. Sept.Oct. Nov.Dec.
Citation Warning 2494 2355 2050  1566 2059 1419 1238 1260 1292 799 TBD
Issued   Period

Maryland Avenue – Westbound Lane (Months are 2017)
Month    Jan.    Feb. Mar. April May  June July Aug. Sept.Oct. Nov.Dec.
Citation Warning 1096 1358 1011  555  713  367  269  478  577  512 TBD
Issued   Period 

Source: Rockville City Police Department.

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