Vision Zero Makes Progress with Improvements and Public Meetings

The State Highway Administration approved Rockville’s request to reduce the speed limit on a segment of First Street by 5 mph, to 35 mph, and will replace signage this month between Veirs Mill and Baltimore roads.
Meanwhile, Vision Zero planning and projects are making progress as Rockville continues creating safer travel routes for all.
The city plans to install a temporary pedestrian safety improvement this month by adding flex posts — separating the travel lane from a marked no-parking zone — at Mannakee Street and Smallwood Road. A concrete pedestrian refuge island, providing a place for pedestrians to wait while crossing Mannakee Street, will be installed as a permanent improvement when the street is resurfaced this summer.
Another concrete pedestrian refuge median will be constructed to ease pedestrian crossings and slow vehicle traffic on Twinbrook Parkway at Meadow Hall Drive when Twinbrook Parkway is resurfaced later this year. Staff evaluated the intersection at the request of residents and the Twinbrook Community Association.
A virtual public meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 27, to discuss the Congressional Lane Complete Streets study. Staff will solicit comments and suggestions from residents and answer questions. Find meeting details with the March 27 calendar listing at Comments can be submitted at any time to Bryan Barnett-Woods, the city’s Vision Zero coordinator, at [email protected]. Last year, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments awarded Rockville $80,000 to assess roadway conditions and evaluate potential improvements along Congressional Lane between Rollins Avenue and Rockville Pike (MD 355).
A virtual public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30 for staff to share three proposed alternatives to add bicycle facilities along East Jefferson Street between Rollins Avenue, and Congressional Lane, and along Halpine Road, between East Jefferson Street and Rockville Pike (MD 355). Staff will also solicit comments and suggestions from the public and will answer questions. Find details with the April 30 calendar listing at Comments can be submitted at any time to [email protected].
The projects are part of the city’s Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate traffic-related deaths and serious injuries. Find more information at