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Speed Limit Reduction Coming to Veirs Mill Road

Speed Cameras Veirs Mill

The State Highway Administration recently approved Rockville’s request for a speed limit reduction on a busy stretch of Veirs Mill Road in Twinbrook. 

The speed limit will now be 35 mph, down from 40 mph, between Edmonston Drive and Twinbrook Parkway. The change makes the speed limit consistent with that of other sections of the road, which is also known as MD 586. SHA is expected to update speed limit signs over the next two months. 

This section of the road was the subject of a post-crash inspection by the city’s Vision Zero Task Force following a Dec. 26 crash that killed a pedestrian crossing Veirs Mill Road near Atlantic Avenue. Find more information about the Vision Zero initiative to eliminate traffic-related deaths and serious injuries at

City staff continues to work with SHA to study and evaluate speed limit reductions on other state roads in the city. Residents can raise concerns about state roadways on the Maryland Department of Transportation website

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