“Life in Rockville” and “Adults 60+,” the city’s guides to recreational programs, courses and events throughout Rockville, are out and packed with the promise of spring!
Sixty pages of “Life in Rockville” are filled with dozens of things to do from March to May: events; sports and leagues for all ages; performances at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre; aquatics and fitness programs at the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center; nature walks and talks at the Croydon Creek Nature Center; before and after-school care at the city’s three community centers; and much more.
“Adults 60+,” a publication of the Rockville Senior Center, lists programs for Rockville’s mature adults, including computer classes, educational courses, trips, arts, fitness and sports.
See the guides at www.rockvillemd.gov/life. To register online for programs, courses and events, and to browse listings of what the city has to offer, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/registration. Register in person or pick up copies of the guides at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave. or any recreation facility.
Senior member registration begins Tuesday, March 3. General registration begins Thursday, March 5.
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Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.