Officials from the State Highway Administration and Maryland Transit Authority will brief the Mayor and Council, Monday, Oct. 10, on three alternatives for bus rapid transit design options along Veirs Mill Road.
Also known as BRT, bus rapid transit is a “rapid transit system, with the speed and frequency of a train,” according to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s BRT website. “Think of it as a comfortable train on rubber tires, often using dedicated lanes on busy roads like Route 29, Route 355, and Veirs Mill Road, but with fewer stops than a bus to get you places quickly.”
Rockville’s Mayor and Council were briefed at their Sept. 12 meeting by city staff on the state’s study of BRT along Veirs Mill Road. Maryland transportation agencies could make a decision on BRT alternatives by the end of the year, and the Mayor and Council are discussing whether or not they could support a BRT project.
Rockville staff has reached out to the city’s neighborhood and civic associations for their input.
For more on the three BRT alternatives under discussion, as well as other information about the study, find the Sept. 12 Mayor and Council agenda at A staff briefing and PDF with BRT details is available under agenda item 16.