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Take Action to Conserve Energy

Energy Action Month Offers Events and Tips for Saving Energy and Money

October is Energy Action Month, which offers events and resources for learning how to conserve energy and save money in your home or office.

Books and Bulbs: Learn ways to save energy and keep money in your pocket, and get up to three Energy Star-certified light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs free when you bring in old incandescent or compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2 at Twinbrook Library, 202 Meadow Hall Drive.

Switch to Green Power: Interested in making the switch to green power? Attend a solar open house. Meet homeowners who have gone solar to ask questions and learn about the process. Three Rockville homes will hold open houses on Oct. 6 and 7. RSVP at

There are also ways to go green without installing solar panels on your home, including purchasing electricity with renewable energy certificates from wind and solar facilities, and supporting the development of solar power in Maryland by being part of a community solar project. Learn more about green power buying options in Montgomery County at

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