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This Way to Earth Day

Earth Day is Thursday, April 22, and Rockville is celebrating with events all spring long, including the following free or low-cost activities that promote getting outside and helping nature.

All in-person events require participants to wear a face covering and practice social distancing of at least 6 feet. Activities marked SSL are eligible for Student Service Learning hours. Register at using the course numbers.

Saturday, April 3: Critter Tales at Croydon Creek, 10 a.m. on Facebook Live.
Join Croydon Creek on Facebook Live for a story and an introduction to something special in nature. Watch at

Saturday, April 10: 33rd Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, 9 a.m.-noon at Croydon Creek Nature Center, 852 Avery Road. SSL
Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Spaces are limited. Cleanups at Twinbrook Community Recreation Center and Maryvale Park are full. For more information and to register, use course #19000 and select “Trail Clean Up.”

Sunday, April 11: Exploring Vernal Pools, 2-4 p.m. at Croydon Creek Nature Center.
Discover what makes a vernal pool and who lives in one. Hike off the beaten path to see the best vernal pools in the Hayes Forest Preserve. Wear hiking shoes and a mask and dress for the weather for this outdoor program. Ages 8-12. Course #18452. $8 R/$10 NR.

Wednesdays, April 14-May 26: Outdoor Nature Club, 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Croydon Creek Nature Center.
Spend an hour outdoors investigating and learning about nature while roaming the forest preserve with two experienced naturalists. Dress for the weather and wear a mask. Meets every other week for four sessions. Ages 6-8. Course #18453. Cost $40 R/$50 NR for four sessions.

Saturdays, April 17 and 24: Little Explorers, 10-11 a.m. at Croydon Creek Nature Center.
Go on hiking adventures with naturalists, play games and discover the fun that can be had outdoors. Spaces are limited. Dress for the weather and wear a mask. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 2-5. Course #18458. $8 R/$10 NR.

Saturday, April 24: Drug Take-Back, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Rockville City Police Station parking lot, 2 W. Montgomery Ave.

Sunday, April 25: City Nature Challenge: iNaturalist Training, 2-3 p.m. at Croydon Creek Nature Center.
Looking for more to do both outside and virtually? Find it at Croydon Creek Nature Center. Learn more at

Ongoing: CleanUp Rockville (Virtual Volunteer Opportunity). SSL
Volunteer to complete a self-guided litter cleanup to help keep Rockville trash free. Register at with course #18457. Instructions will be provided during checkout with details on how to complete SSL hours. Participants can choose one of Rockville’s 67 parks or stream valleys to clean and must provide their own equipment. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. All children and adults participating must register. Montgomery County health guidelines must be followed.

Ongoing: Take the Plogging Pledge.
Plogging is picking up litter while you walk, jog or run. Pledge to plog in Rockville and receive a free plogging bag, while supplies last. Visit to take the pledge.

Ongoing: Adopt a Stream. SSL
Individuals, families, businesses and community groups can adopt a stream in Rockville and organize cleanups to help our waterways stay free of litter and other contaminants. Visit to apply to adopt a stream.

Solar and EV Charger Co-op Coming Soon.
If you are interested in rooftop solar, or are looking to install an electric vehicle charger, then this is the opportunity for you. For updates, visit or sign up to receive the city’s “Environment and Sustainability News” quarterly email newsletter, featuring environmental news and events during Earth Month and throughout the year. To subscribe, visit and select “Environment and Sustainability.”

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