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Town Center Street Paving Scheduled for May

Work is Part of Town Center Road Diets Project

Paving is scheduled in May on East Middle Lane and North Washington Street in Rockville Town Center following the completion of the sidewalk widening on East Middle Lane.

By early May, the city’s contractor will complete construction of the widened sidewalk on the south side of East Middle Lane between Gibbs Street and Maryland Avenue and will begin paving the roadway.

Paving is expected to be completed by Saturday, May 27.

Milling the existing asphalt, the first step in the paving process, is scheduled for the second week of May and will take two to three weeks to complete, depending on weather. Work hours will be 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. The contractor will comply with Montgomery County’s noise ordinance.

Temporary striping will be applied to the roadway after the milling, which will be followed by paving. Permanent striping will be applied two to three weeks after the final paving, depending on weather. During the permanent striping, new lane configurations will reduce the two travel lanes to one lane along North Washington Street and East Middle Lane. This will create a new traffic pattern with new bike lanes and on-street parking spaces. New precast curb barriers will be installed during or after the striping to separate the bike lane from the motor vehicle lane.

The paving work is part of the Town Center Road Diets Project, which will also add new protected bicycle lanes and bike boxes along North Washington Street. The project is expected to be completed by mid-summer.

The City of Rockville regularly plans and carries out transportation projects to improve safety for people driving, walking, rolling, bicycling and using transit. The Town Center Road Diets Project will help keep drivers and pedestrians safer on Rockville’s roads.

It is one of several projects citywide to improve safety for people driving, walking, rolling, bicycling and using transit as part of the Vision Zero Action Plan. Vision Zero is the city’s strategy to eliminate traffic and pedestrian fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy and fair mobility for all.

For more information, visit or contact Taylor Bradley, senior construction inspector, at [email protected].

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