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Veirs Mill Road Camera-Related Speed Citations Begin March 1

Image depicts traffic on Veirs Mill with a 35 mile per hour speed limit sign on the right.

Citations will be issued beginning March 1 for vehicles exceeding the speed limit on a segment of Veirs Mill Road where the city recently installed speed monitoring cameras.

In a continuing effort to reduce the number of speeding vehicles in Rockville neighborhoods, the Rockville City Police Department deployed speed monitoring systems in February in the 900 block of Veirs Mill Road. The system uses portable cameras to monitor both eastbound and westbound traffic near the intersection with Gail Avenue.

Though the monitoring systems were fully functional, the city did not issue citations related to the cameras in February. Beginning March 1, citations will be issued for vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit of 35 mph by 12 mph or more.

For more information, contact Socrates Yiallouros, RCPD’s photo/parking enforcement supervisor, at 240-314-8373 or [email protected].

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