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Vision Zero Projects Make Progress Through Winter

Rockville continues planning Vision Zero projects to create safer travel routes for all. The projects are part of the city’s Vision Zero Action Plan to eliminate traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.

Department of Public Works staff met in December with community members to identify a preferred pedestrian safety improvement at the intersection of Mannakee Street and Smallwood Road. There was consensus to build a pedestrian median refuge at the intersection, which will help calm traffic and make it easier for pedestrians to cross Mannakee Street. The improvement will be built as part of the upcoming roadway resurfacing project.

The city completed the Twinbrook Safe Routes to School and Transit Accessibility Study in December. Funded in part by a federal Transportation Alternatives Program grant, it evaluated eight intersections and seven sidewalk gap segments in the Twinbrook neighborhood. The city has already advanced three sidewalk segments — at Brooke Drive, Crawford Drive and Midway Avenue — to the design stage and will make intersection improvements at Ardennes and Ridgway avenues, Ardennes and Wainwright avenues, and Lemay Road and Ridgway Avenue.

A virtual public meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 27 to discuss the Congressional Lane Complete Streets study. Find details with the March 27 calendar listing at Comments can be submitted at any time to Bryan Barnett-Woods, the city’s Vision Zero coordinator, at [email protected].

A virtual public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30 for staff to share three proposed alternatives to add bicycle facilities along East Jefferson Street between Rollins Avenue and Congressional Lane, and along Halpine Road between East Jefferson Street and Rockville Pike (MD 355). Staff will also solicit comments and suggestions from the public and will answer questions. Find details with the April 30 calendar listing at Comments can be submitted at any time to [email protected].

Find the Twinbrook Safe Routes to School and Transit Accessibility Study and more information about these and other Vision Zero projects at

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