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Water Storage Tanks Scheduled
for Rehab in 2017

Tanks are Near Lakewood Country Club and Beall Elementary

A contractor will rehabilitate Rockville’s two water storage tanks in 2017, with work on the Hunting Hill tank adjacent to Lakewood Country Club expected to begin in January, followed in June by work on the tank near Beall Elementary School.

Work on the Hunting Hill tank, at 13890 Glen Mill Road, is expected to be completed by early summer 2017. Work on the second tank, which is located on Luckett Street, across from Beall Elementary School, is scheduled to begin in June 2017 and take three to six months to complete.

Two community meetings will be held, one to discuss each tank rehab. The meeting for the Hunting Hill tank will be scheduled at least two weeks before the project begins. Check the city calendar at for a meeting date and details.

The 50-year-old tanks store drinking water around the clock and year-round for distribution to Rockville homes and businesses, making it essential to keep them in excellent condition. Following an inspection, Department of Public Works staff worked with an engineering consultant to design recommended repairs and prepare a construction budget. The projects will significantly extend the life of the tank, maintaining the safety and reliability of the city’s water system and resulting in long-term cost savings for city taxpayers.

The improvements include safety upgrades, repairs and/or replacement of the steel roof supports, and interior and exterior work to remove existing paint, check for lead and repaint. While both tanks were reconditioned in 1996-1997, and lead paint is not expected to be present, the Environmental Protection Agency requires lead testing and corresponding lead safety precautions. The contractor is required to meet federal and state regulatory requirements during the work and will erect a containment system that covers each tank and protects surrounding property from dust and debris generated when the exterior coating is removed and reapplied.

Neighbors may hear noise from the process to remove the existing paint. The contractor is required to comply with the county’s noise ordinance. Work hours will be 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For more information, contact project manager Ilene Lish at [email protected] or 240-314-8516.

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