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Wellness Programs for a Healthier You, at Rockville Senior Center

At the Rockville Senior Center this month, find out about pain management and reducing your stress and, for Spanish speakers, how to eat healthily.

Register at the senior center’s information desk by calling 240-314-8800, or online with the course number at

Pain Connection
From 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, anesthesiologist Dermot Maher will highlight treatment options for acute and chronic pain. Learn the latest in innovative interventional procedures that can reduce and, in some cases, eliminate pain for good. Register for this free course with #11588.

Stress Reduction/Meditation
Find out about the tools to focus, relax, and come to a more peaceful sense of being, with time for both meditation and discussion. Betty Figlure has taught meditation, guided imagery and stress reduction classes for over 30 years.

The class will be held from 1-2 p.m. on Mondays from Jan. 6-March 23. Register with course #11523; the cost is $30 for members and $40 for nonmembers.

Sesiones de Comer Saludable en Español (Healthy Eating Sessions in Spanish)
This free four-week workshop, held from 1-2 p.m. on Fridays from Jan. 17-Feb. 7, will cover topics such as nutrition and lifestyle changes for a healthy diet. Register with course #11597.

Ongoing Skin Clinic
Held the second Friday of each month. Appointments required. Medicare/insurance will be billed. Call 1-877-345-5300 for appointment, see Betty in the health room, or call her at 240-314-8803.

Visit for more info. The senior center is located at 1150 Carnation Drive.

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