Rockville’s 2023 summer camp season will be here before you know it and it’s almost time to plan your adventure! Information will be online on Tuesday, Jan. 31 at www.rockvillemd.gov/life. Don’t wait to start your kids’ adventures and give them memories and stories to last a lifetime. Registration opens 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15 at www.rockvillemd.gov/registration.
Summer Blast Camps are back and will feature full-day and extended-day hours at local elementary schools and community centers. Park Adventure Camps will have full- and half-day options, and will be held at neighborhood park locations throughout Rockville.
Summer Blast and Park Adventure camps both welcome children aged 5-12 and open from June 26 until mid-August. Park Adventure features swimming, field trips and a variety of games, crafts, water activities and outdoor play time.
Specialized camps returning include cooking, drama, STEAM, gymnastics, art and fashion design. New chess camps and Manchester City Soccer camps have been added. Teens can earn Student Service Learning hours in in-service learning camps or take daily trips with our Teens on the Go camps.
College and high school students aged 16 or older who are looking to refine their leadership skills can apply for summer camp positions at www.rockvillemd.gov/careers. Rockville’s camp staff are chosen for their enthusiasm, passion and experience in working with children.
All camps are licensed by the state of Maryland and follow federal, state and local health and safety guidelines. Visit www.rockvillemd.gov/camps for more information and view the “Summer Camps 2023” guide at www.rockvillemd.gov/life, beginning Jan. 31.