A zoning text amendment was approved at the Monday, Jan. 22 Mayor and Council meeting to implement land-use policies of the Rockville Pike Neighborhood Plan, such as allowing for “Champion Projects,” and introducing a new mixed-use zone.
The new mixed-use zone will implement the “Center” land-use designation described in the plan, and will support areas with an active pedestrian environment and mix of uses, including retail that primarily serves the local neighborhood. Building heights and intensity of uses will be more limited in the new zone, compared to areas that surround the Twinbrook Metro Station or front Rockville Pike.
Champion Projects are established in the plan as an option for developing larger projects of 5 acres or more in a defined area known as the South Pike. A map amendment was also adopted that identifies the location of the new zone and rezones other properties within the planning area.
For more information about the Rockville Neighborhood Pike Plan, visit www.rockvillemd.gov/pikeplan.