Croydon Creek Nature Center will hold a scaled-back version of its annual Croydon Creep event.
Two Mini-Creeps will be held 10-11 a.m. and 11 a.m.-noon, Friday, Oct 15 for kids aged 2-6. There is a limit of one adult per child. The cost is $12 for residents, $14 for nonresidents.
Come in costume and enjoy a puppet show, snacks, crafts and fun activities.
Spaces are limited, so registration in advance is required. Visit, and register with course #20121 for the 10-11 a.m. slot, and #20122 for 11 a.m.-noon.
The event will be held outside and canceled if there’s inclement weather (and refunds will be issued). Even though the event is outside, attendees are encouraged to wear face coverings, even if vaccinated.
Located at 852 Avery Rd., the nature center activities can be followed at