Mayor and Council’s Priorities Include Hearing from Public
The future of the 131-acre former RedGate golf course was considered by the Mayor and Council at a work session on Monday, Feb. 3.
After discussing options, including community input received to date, the Mayor and Council directed staff to return with a draft scope of work for a multidisciplinary master-planning consultant team that would reflect the Mayor and Council’s goal to reserve all, or a large majority, of the site as a park.
Parkland uses could include passive activities, such as connected trails for biking, hiking and walking, pathways, areas for picnicking, open spaces and natural habitats, or active-use facilities, such as an arboretum, playgrounds or athletic areas.
The Mayor and Council asked that the draft scope also explore the possibility of accommodating housing for veterans or, potentially, people with disabilities.
The master planning process will focus heavily on engaging the community, offering numerous ways to provide input and feedback.
To watch the Mayor and Council’s work session discussion on RedGate, visit and select the TV icon next to the Feb. 3 agenda item.