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‘Buy This Chair’ Campaign
Seeks a Seat for Seniors

New curtains on the stage, new paint on the walls and a new floor — but will the Senior Center’s active adults visiting its Carnation Room have a comfortable place to sit? With help from Rockville Seniors, Inc., and a little fundraising from the public, the answer may be yes.

“Our biggest challenge is refurnishing the room — it is important that we have tables and chairs that are sturdy, comfortable and functional,” Gail Sherman, president of Rockville Seniors, Inc., said in a recent senior center newsletter.

Chairs meeting those criteria cost $250 a piece, Sherman told Rockville 11. The total cost for the 200 chairs needed is $50,000. Donors who contribute $350 can have a chair named for them.

To donate, contact the Senior Center at 240-314-8800. Checks can be made out to RSI and mailed to: The Rockville Senior Center, 1150 Carnation Drive, Rockville, MD 20850.

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