Celebrate Energy Awareness Month in October and Energy Efficiency Day (energyefficiencyday.org) on Wednesday, Oct. 5, and do your part to tackle climate change.
Get started on a home energy assessment at homeenergysavings.pepco.com/residential/energy-assessments for help understanding your home’s energy use and identifying ways to save money.
Visit the Montgomery Energy Connection at www.montgomeryenergyconnection.org to find actions, resources, activities and events to help lower utility bills, keep money in your pocket, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The recently passed federal Inflation Reduction Act will offer incentives for energy-efficiency upgrades and weatherization starting Jan. 1, 2023. Find out how much you could save at www.rewiringamerica.org/app/ira-calculator.
Switch to green power and power your home with wind or solar, without any special equipment, by choosing a green energy supplier at www.mdelectricchoice.com.
And learn about Rockville’s Climate Action Plan, including how you can contribute to the city’s climate efforts at www.rockvillemd.gov/climate.