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Martin Luther King Jr. Day Ceremony to Stand ‘On the Shoulders of Giants’

Rockville’s 46th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 15 at Richard Montgomery High School, 250 Richard Montgomery Drive.

Martin Luther King Jr. portrait.

The celebration will include multicultural performances, awards and a keynote speech by Marcia Chatelain, an associate professor of history and African American studies at Georgetown University and the author of “South Side Girls: Growing up in the Great Migration.” The program’s theme, “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants,” will reflect on how today’s community leaders demonstrate many of the characteristics of King in confronting challenges and strengthening their community.

The celebration is free and open to all. A reception will follow. Learn more and find video of the 2017 celebration at For information about access, call the city’s Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator at 240-314-8108.

High school students living or attending school in Rockville are invited to enter a video, photo, essay, poem or other original creative work highlighting a human rights topic in the Student Multimedia Contest. First prize is $1,000. First-, second- and third place winners will be recognized at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration. The submissions deadline is Monday, Dec. 11. Visit for contest guidelines.

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