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Mayor and Council Amend APFS

The Mayor and Council adopted a resolution at their Monday, Feb. 4 meeting to amend the Adequate Public Facilities Standards.

The amendments keep the city’s school adequacy test at 120 percent of school capacity for new residential development approvals — the same level as before.

Only Champion Projects, which are limited to the South Pike area, are exempt, within certain criteria:

  • That the project consists of high-rise residential units only.
  • That residential units will be constructed over a period of 10 years or more.
  • That each Champion Project application include at least one non-residential use and a half-acre of public open space.

The Mayor and Council clarified that any amendment to add more residential units to a Champion Project that was previously granted an exemption would be subject to the school adequacy test.

To watch the Mayor and Council’s meeting on the APFS, visit, and select the TV icon next to the Feb. 4 agenda item.

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