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Mayor and Council Hear Outdoor Pool Renovation Plans

Plans to renovate and upgrade the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center’s popular but aging outdoor recreation pool were brought to the Mayor and Council in late January.

Renovation to the more than 30-year-old pool will include innovations to enhance visitors’ enjoyment and swim experience.

The recreation pool has been a feature of the facility since its construction in 1991, when it was built within the shell of the original 1968 outdoor pool. A 2015 audit identified the need for major renovations to improve safety and maintenance, and updated codes and developments in industry standards for recreational pool amenities.

The process to upgrade the pool have been underway since July, with a consultant conducting an analysis of the site, a survey, outreach to the community, listening sessions and other public engagement. Seventy-one percent of online survey respondents reported they use the outdoor recreation pool multiple times each season. However, overcrowding, lack of shade, unattractiveness and long lines for the water slide were identified as barriers to use.

Subscribe to the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center newsletter at for updates. Visit and select the TV icon next to the Jan. 23 meeting to view the presentation.

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